AAPG - Annual Convention & Exhibition (ACE) - online and on-demand 2020
September 29 - October 1, 2020
The postponed AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition (ACE) is now all online, 29 September–1 October, and on-demand through the end of the year so you can view the content anytime, anywhere, and from any device.
The new dynamic digital platform is easy to navigate giving you access to all the great science, networking, and technology to help you stay on the cutting edge of petroleum geoscience. Feel the power of connecting with a global community of geoscience leaders to exchange ideas, formulate strategies, and solve problems of challenges in today’s environment.
The new dynamic digital platform is easy to navigate giving you access to all the great science, networking, and technology to help you stay on the cutting edge of petroleum geoscience. Feel the power of connecting with a global community of geoscience leaders to exchange ideas, formulate strategies, and solve problems of challenges in today’s environment.
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