November 19 - 22, 2015    Algiers , Algeria
Food accounts for 43 percent of total households’ expenditures in Algeria. Food Industry is the second largest industry in Algeria and also Africa’s number one food products importer. Nearly %75 of its food products need is met by import. Form ilk and dairy products Algeria ranks 3rd worldwide. One person in Algeria consumes around 2.5 kg biscuits per year. An on average 900gr bread is consumed by one person in one day. It is also a significant importer of cheese for processed cheese manufacture. 27% of the Algerian population is below the age of 14, creating a market for sugar and confectionery products such as biscuits, crisps, chocolates and soft drinks.

Algeria's food imports rose by 11. 5 percent in the first nine months of 2013 year on year with a total value of 7.32 billion U.S. dollars, compared to the 6.56 billion dollars in the same period of 2012. Even in years of ample domestic production, Algeria relies heavily on grain imports from the international market, with wheat being the most prominent. In the last five years, the country imported an average of almost 6 million tonnes of wheat, averaging 70 percent of its domestic utilization. The wheat import requirement for 2013/14 (July/June), is projected to marginally increase by about 3 percent to 6.20 million tonnes compared to the 6 million tonnes in 2012/13.


Location: Safex Exhibition Park
La Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations (Safex - SPA) est une entreprise publique issue de la transformation de l’objet social et de la dénomination de l'Office National des Foires et..
Contact Exhibition Center Pins Maritimes 16000 ,Algeria Algiers , Algeria


Istanbul / TURKEY
+90 212 273 18 88

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