Workshop on terahertz 2015
July 7 - 10, 2015
Saint Petersburg , Russia
The main scientific theme of the workshop - is terahertz (THz) technologies for security, earth, space and medical applications. The workshop is aimed at establishing strong links between researchers in the field of THz radiation. The lectures by experienced researchers in the field of THz research and applications will be given by experts from both academia and industry. The workshop will also be focused on forming of new connections between THz researchers and industry engineers and narrowing the gap between THz engineers and scientists. The technology demands from the THz industry will be uncovered and directions of mutual collaboration will be defined. Terahertz state of the art imaging and sensing devices will be presented by industry representative.
Location: ITMO University
49 Kronverksky Pr. St. Petersburg, 197101 Russia Saint Petersburg , Russia
+7 812 232-97-04
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Workshop on terahertz July 7 - 10, 2015