October 25 - 28, 2016    Dalian , China

Visitors: 20000
Exhibitors: 450
Area: 23,000 sqm.
Shiptec China was founded in 1992,and held biennially at every even year. Four major forums are held concurrently with Shiptec China including Ocean and Marine Technology Forum, Offshore Forum China, International Shipping Forum and The North China Ship Maintenance Forum, together with varied events like technical seminars, celebrations and social activities.

World Maritime Fair towards Chinese Market is the main theme and, while to create a Chinese brand name in North East Asia is the goal of Shiptec China.


Location: Dalian World Expo Center
The Dalian World Expo center has four branches which include the Comprehensive Dept., Exhibition & Sales Dept., Property equipment (management) Dept. and Customer Service Dept. We have professional..
Contact Xinghai square F area 10 number Dalian , China
+86 411 84809625


Dalian Xinghai Exhibitions Co., Ltd
24/F Xiwang Tower, 136 Zhongshan Road,
+86-411-39916903, 39916904

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Shiptec China October 21 - 24, 2014
Shiptec China October 23 - 26, 2012
Shiptec China October 26 - 28, 2010