June 12 - 13, 2015    Karnataka , India
IEEE IACC-2015 will be held at B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India on June 12-13, 2015. The scope of the conference is the analysis, design, implementation, deployment and evaluation of advanced topics of computing. It aims to provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers, engineers, standard developers and students to showcase their latest research activities, techniques and experiences in the areas of computing.

The conference comprises of invited speeches, workshops, exhibits and oral presentations on features of advanced computing. It will be a prodigious gathering of industry and academia to display major achievements in the world of computing. Researchers present the state-of-the-art expansions and technical elucidations in the areas of high performance computing, advances in communication networks, advance algorithms, artificial intelligence, image processing, data management and social network analysis.


Location: BMSCE
Contact Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru, 560019, India Karnataka , India
+91 80 2662 2130