March 19 - 20, 2015    NO CITY , Italy
Submission Deadline: 2015-01-20
All accepted papers will be published in one volume of International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), and will be included EI (INSPEC, IET),Cabell's Directories, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest.

ICEIT 2015 aims to provide a high level international forum to bring together industry professionals, academics, and individuals from institutions, industrials and government agencies to exchange information, share achievements, and discus the advancement in the fields of Educational and Information Technology, etc..

Topics for ICEIT 2015:
Database Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Computer architecture
Software Engineering
Computer Graphics
Computer Application
Control Technology
Systems Engineering
Service learning
Learning models
For More Topics:

How to Submit:
1. Electronic Submission System:
2. by emai: [email protected]

Contact us:
Ms. Jenny Zhou
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +1-617-229-6820 (USA)
+86-28-86527868 (operation center in China)

ASR Website:


Location: Novotel Firenze Nord Aeroporto
Contact Via Tevere, 23, 50019 Firenze Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy NO CITY , Italy
+39 055 53821


American Society for Research (ASR)
3308 N Mayfield Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92405, USA