3 September, 2014    london , United Kingdom
The Financial Times Cyber Security Summit 2014 will bring together senior business executives, public sector officials and cyber security experts to discuss the current and emerging threats that exist in cyberspace and the policies, strategies, technological advances and collaborations that will enable public and private sectors to keep pace with them.

James Quinault, Head, Office for Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA)
Jakub Boratyński, Head of Unit, Trust and Security, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO
Richard Knowlton, Member of the Board of Directors, Internet Security Alliance; Group Corporate Security Director, Vodafone
Rocco Mammoliti, Chief Information Security Officer, Poste Italiane; Director General, Global Cyber Security Center
Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director, European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
Craig Balding, Group Head of Cyber Security Risk, Barclays
Paolo Ciocca, Deputy Director, Security Intelligence Department (Dipartimento Informazioni per la Sicurezza – DIS), Italy

- Listen to government officers and business leaders describe the cyber threats they face and how they deal with them.
- Find out from the specialists how to create a robust and effective security strategy.
- Network with your peers and discuss the latest developments in cyberspace.
- Discover how the public and private sectors are collaborating to make their organisations more resilient.
- Hear what the main cyber threats of the future are likely to be.


Location: One Great George Street Conference Centre
Contact 1 Great George Street Twickenham , United Kingdom


Financial Times Live
+44 20 7873 3163

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