January 18 - 20, 2014    Sousse , Tunisia
WSCAR’ 2014 is a symposium on Computer Applications & Research, from 18-20 January, in the beach city of Sousse, Tunisia. The symposium is hosting multiple conferences in different areas of Computer Applications and Research.

WSCAR promises to be an interesting and exciting scientific event. Research from around the globe are interested in sharing their unpublished, fresh and in-depth ideas. Make sure you are part of this strong event!

Important Dates
Submission: 1st October, 2013
Notification: within 8 weeks
Registration: 1 December, 2013
Camera Ready: 15 December, 2013


Location: El Mouradi Club Kantaoui Hotel
unisia welcomes each year more than five million tourists, and this figure is in a constant raise. The chain EL MOURADI HOTELS, sees not only the number of its hosts to increase themselves but to..
Contact El Mouradi Port El Kantaoui- Zone Touristiques , 354 Hamman Sousse , Tunisia