September 28 - 29, 2013    Karnataka , India
Mid-Term ISECON-2013 to be held in the Father MUller Medical College on the 28th & 29th of September 2013 and Pre-Conference ECG Learning Course on 27th of september 2013.

Mid-Term ISECON-2013 is the scientific meeting attracting key option leaders, well - recognized physicians, from all over the world to gather to learn about new advances and exchange of scientific ideas of the highest level. The two day meeting will provide unique and diverse scientific program which offers full spectrum of educational opportunities in electrocardiology.


Location: Father Muller Medical College
Father Muller Medical College is a unit of Fr. Muller's Charitable Institutions, a Registered Society sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Mangalore; a Religious Minority Educational Institution..
Contact Father muller road, kankanady, Mangalore, , India Karnataka , India