26 October, 2013    Toronto , Canada
Why Attend
Meet leading private and independent schools and their students – list of exhibiting schools
Learn how to find the right private school for your child – information seminars
Find out about the admissions process, when to apply and what schools look for
Determine your budget and receive information about scholarships and bursaries

Find the best school for your child at the Our Kids Toronto Private School Expo on October 26th, 2013. This is an
exceptional tool for families to explore their private school options and find the best school for their child quickly and easily.

The Toronto Private School Expo is the largest in Canada and features the very best private and independent schools in Ontario and outstanding schools across Canada. Find all the information you need in one day at one location:

meet face to face with top schools
speak with education experts
attend information sessions

From preschool to high school, traditional to special needs, the Toronto Private School Expo is a must for every parent.

For a limited time, get your 50% off family admission vouchers at www.ourkids.net/expo/register.php (valid for a family of 4). As a thank you, you'll also be entered for a chance to win $500 towards your child's tuition!


Location: Roy Thomson Hall Toronto
The Corporation of Massey Hall and Roy Thomson Hall is a not-for-profit charitable organization operating two of Canada’s premier concert halls. Showcasing the world’s greatest performers in all..
Contact 60 Simcoe St , Ontario M5J 2H5, Canada Toronto , Canada
(416) 872-4255

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