Canadian Health and Wellness Innovations Conference 2015
February 10 - 13, 2015
Victoria BC , Canada
Now in its seventh year, the popular Canadian Health and Wellness Innovations Conference continues the legacy of targeted and timely sessions that allow attendees to take their education beyond the mechanics of health and disability plan design. Together with professionals and peers, you can explore new trends, share experiences and discover ways to collaborate on strategies to promote a holistic culture of health for you and your plan participants.
Tentative Session Topics
Keynote Session:
Joe Roberts | From Skid Row to CEO: There's More of You Than You Can See
Creating a Wellness Program
The Link Between Obesity and Cancer
Pandemic Planning: Protecting your Workers
Diabetes: What You Need to Know
Treating Neurological Disorders With Nutrition
Investing in Wellness: Case Studies for Success
Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
Hepititis C: Is There an Epidemic in Canada?
Wellness and Technology
Benefit Philisophy and Strategic Planning for Wellness
Key Takeaways
Learn firsthand about the latest trends in health and wellness that could be important to your plan design.
Find out how others have successfully introduced wellness initiatives to their members.
Discover ways to motivate plan participants to take part in the shared responsibility for their own health.
Interact directly with speakers through interactive followup workshops.
Experience on-site health resources such as a health fair and other coordinated activities.
Registration includes access to online program materials and a virtual conference, welcome reception, three continental breakfasts, two luncheons and beverage breaks.
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
18700 W. Bluemound Rd.
Brookfield, WI 53045
(888) 334-3327
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