January 14 - 16, 2015    Orlando FL , USA
The 9th Human Amyloid Imaging meeting will take place in Miami, Florida on January 14-16, 2015. My co-organizers for the meeting will again be Bill Klunk and Chet Mathis (University of Pittsburgh) and Bill Jagust (University of California, Berkeley).

At HAI 2015 we will continue to emphasize ample lively discussion of core controversies such as: what does the presence of brain amyloid mean, how should it be measured, how does it change, and what does it portend?  Our discussions will primarily spring from brief presentations by active investigators who will report unpublished, cutting-edge research in human imaging of amyloid-beta and/or other biomarkers that pertain to Alzheimer's-related disease. To assemble at HAI only the most recent, important work, abstract submissions will be again accepted and peer-reviewed less than two months prior to the meeting.

The 2014 meeting drew close to 300 attendees and showcased 67 posters from approximately 20 research groups from the North America, Europe, South East Asia, and Australia. Meeting Programs from past years are accessible from the links in the right column.

Research reports are complemented at HAI by Keynote presentations that are intended to cross disciplines and provide perspective from neuropathology, neurochemistry, psychology, neurology, molecular imaging, clinical trials and biomarker research. In 2015, we are pleased to welcome two such presentations from Dennis Dickson, MD (Mayo Clinic) and Ann McKee, MD (Boston University). In addition to these, we will continue our lectures on basic methods in amyloid PET.

Until then, browse our site, review our past programs, speakers and posters and consider joining us in 2015!


Location: Miami Beach Resort & Spa
Contact 4833 Collins Ave. Orlando , USA


World Events Forum Inc.
1631 Whitcomb Avenue Des Plaines, IL 60018 USA
+1.224.938.9523 +1.773.782.6747 +1.773.789.7865

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