May 20 - 22, 2014
LogiChem 2013 saw the event grow to include C-Level and commercial keynotes, with a larger number of senior executives present onsite.

For 2014, first and foremost we are changing location...we are in the process of securing a larger hotel and looking into the best possible location that works for you.

Back to basics; focus on the top differentiators
Reduction in process, product and organizational complexity
Growth from organisational strength and efficiency
Taking B2B to B2C level of customer interaction
People management - retention, exploring growth potential for supply chain careers, and how to make supply chain a competitive advantage for a company
Optimising supply chain processes – supply chain process automation case studies
Flexibility: The real time supply chain and how to prepare / integrate new technologies (in memory computing etc)
Creating organisational supply chain collaboration – integration
Different demand capturing tools / systems available – case studies
Advanced customer segmentation
Fixed / variable cost reduction
Synchronizing your supply chain to create predictability and transparency
Collaboration along supply / value chains by applying state-of-the-art technologies, globalisation and connecting regions by managing inter-regional product flows of (reliability, risks etc)
Can the chemical industry establish a green logistic label, helping to differentiate, enabling some cost recovery?
Advanced S&OP and extended S&OP (with more financial aspects) that contributes to the success of the business. How are companies moving from S&OP to IBP – specific case examples and best practice of how companies are managing demand in volatile times
Models to calculate the impact of business decision in Supply Chain (higher stock vs longer production)
Sustainable supply chains
Risk management in relation to continued volatility, how to manage risk across sup


Sorry, this event is quite new so we couldn't find any venue information.
Please check again in the near future.

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