FA' LA COSA GIUSTA - DO THE RIGHT THING - Exhibition for Sustainable Consuming and Lifestyle 2014
conferences > Consumer Goods Fairs conferences > FA' LA COSA GIUSTA - DO THE RIGHT THING - Exhibition for Sustainable Consuming and Lifestyle
March 28 - 30, 2014
Milano , Italy
March 28-302014 in FieraMilanocity pavilions 2:04
Viale Lodovico Scarampo, GATE 8 - former "Scarampo Gate"
10 years after the first edition, Fa 'the right thing!confirms the reference event for those who choose a lifestyle that is sustainable and looking for something new or old friendships related to the issues of critical consumption.
From 15 to 17 March 2013, more than 72,000 people visited the exhibition halls, dealing with over 700 Italian and foreign exhibitors and participating in meetings of the cultural program 170
Location: Fiera Milano
Fiera Milano supplies exhibiting companies with a comprehensive range of top quality services that are designed to support attendance to an exhibition.
Fiera Milano is in fact in a position to..
OPS Srl - Piazzale Accursio 14, 20156 Milano , Italy
+39 02 4997.1
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