Agile India 2014
February 26 - March 1, 2014
Bangalore , India
At Asia's largest & premier international conference on Agile and Lean Software Development methods.
Agile India 2014 is a refreshing yet intense 4-day conferences where you can:
Learn from expert practitioners.
Network & share your knowledge and experience with over 1500 international delegates from literally every software company practicing or exploring Agile & Lean.
Explore diverse and interesting solutions and contribute to the future of Agile software development.
Agile India 2014 is a refreshing yet intense 4-day conferences where you can:
Learn from expert practitioners.
Network & share your knowledge and experience with over 1500 international delegates from literally every software company practicing or exploring Agile & Lean.
Explore diverse and interesting solutions and contribute to the future of Agile software development.
Agile FAQs Technology Pvt. Ltd.
No.82, 3rd Floor, Jumma Masjid Road,
Avenue Road Cross,
Bengaluru - 560002
080 22211373
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