January 28 - 31, 2013    london , United Kingdom
The Cyber Defence & Network Security (CDANS) conference provides attendees with high-level strategic briefings from 26+ senior international military and cyber experts, as well as valuable and intimate networking opportunities with Heads of CERT, Systems Security, Military IT, Counter Terrorism, and Cyber Crime and Network professionals.

It is the ONLY event in this space to integrate expert insight into traditional cyber defence, with cyber offence, CNI, and cloud computing. Last year’s BBC-covered event hosted over 150+ attendees, 25+ speakers from 24 countries.


Location: Hotel Russell
Hotel Russell is your ideal location when visiting the capital of the United Kingdom. Situated in the heart of Bloomsbury in the very centre of London, the historic Hotel Russell dominates the east..
Contact 1-8 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London, WC1B 5BE, UK london , United Kingdom
+44 844 915 0027


IQPC London
IQPC Ltd, 129 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1JZ
+44 (0) 207 368 9300, 0800 652 2363

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