Electric & Power Infrastructure Sochi (EPIS) 2013
September 3 - 5, 2013
Krasnodar , Russia
Russia’s power complex plays important role in world economics, as all the industries can’t do without its production. However the condition of power net industry in Russia can’t be called satisfied – equipment wear accounts for 60-70%. Such situation provokes the risqué of occurring anthropogenic puts in jeopardy the stability of energy-supply in some Russian regions. Building of new objects of power net industry and renovation of funds are essential for power-generating units under construction, for elimination of “locked facilities”, for stimulation of intra-system and intergovernmental connections. Saving of energy resources and adequate and efficient distribution of electric power – priority trends in municipal and production industries, and in agricultural enterprises as well. Up to 2030 in power net industry there will be invested considerable means-380-340$ bl., that accounts for 37% from all sum of electric power sector.
Russia’s power complex plays important role in world economics, as all the industries can’t do without its production. However the condition of power net industry in Russia can’t be called satisfied – equipment wear accounts for 60-70%. Such situation provokes the risqué of occurring anthropogenic puts in jeopardy the stability of energy-supply in some Russian regions. Building of new objects of power net industry and renovation of funds are essential for power-generating units under construction, for elimination of “locked facilities”, for stimulation of intra-system and intergovernmental connections. Saving of energy resources and adequate and efficient distribution of electric power – priority trends in municipal and production industries, and in agricultural enterprises as well. Up to 2030 in power net industry there will be invested considerable means-380-340$ bl., that accounts for 37% from all sum of electric power sector.
Location: Krasnodar Expo Center
A forum of high technologies — the specialized exhibition project largest in the south of Russia uniting manufacturers and software developers, telecommunication technologies, technologies of..
Zipovskaya Str. 5 350010 , Russia Krasnodar , Russia
+7 (0)861/210-9892
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