October 21 - 24, 2013    Vancouver , Canada
Developing the Smart Grid has become an urgent global priority, promising economic, environmental, and societal benefits. Information and communications technologies are at the core of the Smart Grid vision as they will empower today’s power grid with the capability of supporting two-way energy and information flow, isolating and restoring power outages more quickly, facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid and empowering the consumer with tools for optimizing their energy consumption.

The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) is centered on all communications aspects that are relevant to the Smart Grid and aims at bringing together researchers from Academia, Industry, and National Labs to exchange novel ideas, explore enabling technologies, discuss innovative designs, and share field trial experiences and lessons learnt.


Location: Renaissance Vancouver Hotel Harbourside
Contact 1133 West Hastings Street Vancouver , Canada