Connected Health Symposium 2013
October 24 - 25, 2013
Boston MA , USA
Where health and technology intersect, the Connected Health Symposium is a global destination event, a high-profile gathering of the most interesting thinkers on the planet.
Hear highly-polished keynotes delivered in a compact 20 minutes plus pointed debates on the toughest questions in healthcare, probing interviews with news-makers, and rapid-fire demos of new technologies. Enjoy full access to the exhibit hall, all scheduled networking events, and the various meals noted on the online agenda. Take the opportunity to register at discounted rates for the various pre- and post-Symposium workshops and other activities.
Symposium 2013 will showcase the latest global developments and innovations in healthcare and policy. Join a capacity crowd of 1,500 health plan leaders, hospital executives, community-based practitioners, large employers, government policymakers, investors, academics, patients and caregivers.
Hear highly-polished keynotes delivered in a compact 20 minutes plus pointed debates on the toughest questions in healthcare, probing interviews with news-makers, and rapid-fire demos of new technologies. Enjoy full access to the exhibit hall, all scheduled networking events, and the various meals noted on the online agenda. Take the opportunity to register at discounted rates for the various pre- and post-Symposium workshops and other activities.
Symposium 2013 will showcase the latest global developments and innovations in healthcare and policy. Join a capacity crowd of 1,500 health plan leaders, hospital executives, community-based practitioners, large employers, government policymakers, investors, academics, patients and caregivers.
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