May 4 - 5, 2013    Vancouver , Canada
Canada's Largest Undergraduate Technology Conference

CUTC is Canada's largest and longest running undergraduate technology conference. Over 14 years, we've reached 4000 students, worked with 150 industry leaders and helped hundreds of students find jobs.

MAY 4th + 5th / Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University TORONTO, ON

The CUTC Hackathon is one hackathon you can’t afford to miss. Facebook. Microsoft. 800 developers. Energy drinks. Ready? The CUTC Hackathon will be one of the craziest nights of your year, as you build something awesome, get feedback from some of the top people in the industry, and end up with serious prize money. If coding’s not your thing, you can always set up a late-night LAN party instead - snacks are on us!


Location: University of British Columbia
Contact 2329 West Mall, , BC Canada V6T 1Z4 Vancouver , Canada

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