July 18 - 20, 2013    Houston TX , USA
LoneStarRuby Conference 2013
July 18-20 in Austin, TX -- "Design, Community and Change"

When met with a tangled code-base, how do you decide what to refactor? How do you know if you're making progress?

Blog posts and books can make it look easy. "Here's the synthetic example, now use X scripted transformation." Unfortunately, codebases in the wild do not come with the right refactoring patterns hyperlinked.

In this hands-on workshop you will be presented with an actual Rails application ripe with code smells, tight coupling, leaky encapsulation, and missing abstractions. It's much more than a code sample, written by a real team of developers under a deadline.

We will practice identifying issues, explore strategies to attack them, and put them into practice. This is not a walk-through of every refactoring in the cannon; this is practical application of great techniques. After this workshop you will be armed to attack your own legacy applications.

Students will work in pairs and are coding, themselves, at least 50% of the time.


Location: Norris Center
Contact Houston , USA

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