March 21 - 24, 2013    Moscow , Russia
International Real Estate Exhibition"Second Home" held in the Central Artists' HouseMarch 21-242013, will help You to save your time and make true your dream about second home from various range of offers in Bulgary, USA, Spain, Italy, UAE, Egypt, Turkey, Latvia, Panama and other countries; in Ukraine and Crimea, or country-side cottage complexes in Moscow and other regions.

The annual international fair-exhibition “Second Home” is the only specialized exhibition of foreign realty, cottages and townhouses, the resort real estate. Next year from21st to 24th of March the exhibition “Second Home” will be held for the eighteenth time.


Location: Central House of Artists
The Сentral House of Artist has no analogy neither in Russia nor in Europe. It presents the biggest amount of works and occupied the largest exposition area (about 10000 square meters). It holds more..
Contact 119049, , Krymskiy val, 10 Moscow , Russia
(495) 238-9843, 238-9634