February 18 - 21, 2013    New Orleans LA , USA
What's New?
Fast-Track Technovations in the Expo
CRN to demo Open Modeling Framework – But, what is it?
Ask the Multispeak Experts on Wed. afternoon
Best Practices for Utility Fleet Management
New Methods for Outage Protection
System Maintenance and Inspections from the Field
Smart Grid for Non-Engineers
Designing Dynamic Rates & In-Home Technology for the Right Members


Location: Ernest N Morial Convention Center
NEW ORLEANS AT ITS BEST! Events held in New Orleans just aren’t the same as events held in other cities. Smiles are brighter. Handshakes are more energetic. Everyone is simply excited to be in one of..
Contact 900 Convention Center Blvd, , LA 70130, United States New Orleans , USA
+1 504-582-3000