April 14 - 15, 2013    Orlando FL , USA
Healthcare CEOs must be flexible and prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. With new regulations poised to dramatically change our current system, it is essential to be aware of the current market in order to take advantage of the opportunities that will be presented.

The primary objective of the 8th National Healthcare CXO Summit is to explore the key aspects and issues related to healthcare best practices and their application as business drivers for innovation and growth. The Summit's program topics have been pinpointed and validated by senior executives from the healthcare community as the top critical issues they face.

Key issues for 2013 include:
Striving for Excellence -- Advice and lessons learned from one of the best health systems in the country
Shifting from Volume to Value -- Affordable Care Act incentives to improve quality care
Healthcare Reform -- Healthcare leaders speak out on the transformation of our healthcare system
Physician Integration and Alignment -- Transforming healthcare through integration
Taking Control of Exploring Healthcare Costs -- Cost management solutions and setting transparency goals
Patient Experience and Satisfaction -- Innovative programs to improve HCAHPS
Becoming a 24/7 Hospital -- Overcoming the challenges for the future healthcare environment
Lean Process -- Innovation and change management in the healthcare environment


Location: Ritz Carlton
Contact 4012 Central Pkwy. Orlando , USA

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