April 15 - 17, 2013    Orlando FL , USA
Amidst the evolution of the US healthcare industry, CFOs are anticipating the financial challenges that lie ahead as a result of Healthcare Reform. With the ever-increasing strain on all sources of revenue along with rising labor and IT costs, strategies surrounding lean methodologies and more efficient processes will be important to sustaining good financial health.

The primary objective of the 17th National Healthcare CFO Summit is to explore the key aspects and issues related to healthcare financial management best practices and their application as business drivers for innovation and growth.

The Summit’s program topics have been pinpointed and validated by senior executives from the healthcare finance community as the top critical issues they face.

Key issues for 2013 Include:
Positioning Your Hospital for Success: Effectively guiding your organization through healthcare reform
What Keeps Healthcare CFOs Up at Night: Discussing the impact of healthcare reform on revenue sources and fiscal strategy
Getting a Handle on Operational Expenses: Techniques for increasing hospital margins in today’s dynamic environment
Accountability and Financial Success: Translating and instilling financial discipline and accountability into a bottom line
Revenue Cycle Management: Optimizing performance in the era of healthcare reform
Reaping the Benefits of Lean Implementation: Uncovering methodologies and approaches for improving efficiencies and quality of care
Financial Sustainability: Deploying strategies for improving cash flow and building strong liquidity


Location: Ritz Carlton
Contact 4012 Central Pkwy. Orlando , USA

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