March 26 - February 28, 2013    Moscow , Russia

Every year, exhibition NDT RUSSIA is held with the official support of the state bodies and industry associations. The venue gathers the manufacturers and developers of machinery, representatives of foreign companies, dealers, distributors and professionals in the field of technical diagnostics.

Project NDT RUSSIA demonstrates the latest developments and technologies of non-destructive testing, and also is a venue for business meetings and negotiations. Most companies intend not only to build new relations with clients but to keep the existing ones. The 2012 statistics say the following: about 80% of the exhibitors and visitors want to establish new business contacts, and, at the same time, about 60% of them would like to support the current relations.


Location: Olympiysky Sports Complex
Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has offically announced that Moscow will be the host city for the Eurovision Song Contest which will be held in May of 2009. The reference group will still..
Contact 16, Olympiyskiy prosp Moscow , Russia
+7 495/9741264