February 27 - March 1, 2013    Paris , France

The goal of this symposium, which will be the fourth in the series, is to bring together researchers and practitioners to advance the states of the art and practice in secure software engineering. Being one of the few conference-level events dedicated to this topic, it explicitly aims to bridge the software engineering and security engineering communities, and promote cross-fertilization. The symposium will feature two days of technical program, and is also open to proposals for both tutorials and workshops. In addition to academic papers, the symposium encourages submission of high-quality, informative experience papers about successes and failures in security software engineering and the lessons learned. Furthermore, the symposium also accepts short idea papers that crisply describe a promising direction, approach, or insight.


Location: Inria Research Centre
Contact Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt - BP 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex Paris , France
+33 (0)1 39 63 55 11