August 11 - 13, 2012    Zhejiang , China
Granular Computing (GrC) is an emerging computational and mathematical theories that involve the concept of granules. A granule can be a sub-Turing machine, a piece of elementary knowledge, or a region of uncertainty. Though the label is relatively recent, the basic notions and principles, though under different names, have appeared in many related fields, such as neighborhood systems and infinitesimals in the foundation of granular computing, divide and conquer in theoretical computer science, information hiding in software engineering, interval computing, fuzzy and rough set theories probability/possibility/belief measures in uncertainty mathematics, granularity in artificial intelligence, neutrosophic computing, quotient space theory, machine learning, databases, and many others.
IEEE GrC 2012 will continue to address the issues related to Granular Computing and its applications. IEEE GrC 2012 will provide researchers from universities, laboratories and industry to present state-of-the-art research results and methodologies in theory and applications of granular computing. The conference will also make it possible for researchers and developers to highlight their new research directions and new interactions with novel computing models. To broaden more impact on granular computing and its applications, IEEE GrC 2012 will focus on currently important major research tracks such as soft computing (fuzzy, rough sets and etc), social network, cloud computing, e-intelligence (web intelligence, semantic web), bioinformatics and medical informatics.


Location: Zhejiang University
Contact 388 Yuhangtang Road Hang- zhou, Province, 310058, P. R. China Zhejiang , China