June 9 - 10, 2012    Rome , Italy
The third conference on Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics and the New Renaissance in Medicine will take place in Porretta Terme (Bologna) next June 9th - 10th, 2012. The main theme  will be the Coronary Artery Diseases and the Inhereted Real Risk of CAD. The draft of the meeting and logistic information will be available soon .

The 'Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics'  provides a very detailed case studies based on the duration, intensity and latency time of the reflections, which are the central element of all the diagnostics, and on the basis of which it is possible to say that the presence of deterministic chaos, as measured by  the fractal dimension, is an indicator of physiological state of the biological system investigated, and this is always accompanied by a non-local reality, simultaneous and synchronic (as demonstrated at the sub-quantum by Aspect), parallel to the local one, where there is of course waste of energy in space-time. However, if the equlibria of type 'chaotic or strange attractor' give way to equlibria of  type 'limit cycle' (periodic) or 'fixed point', this is a sign respectively of potential pathology and tendency to disease or to chronicity. The quantum aspect is reinforced by the fact that the reflections are not implemented in a continuous way, but are quantized and discontinuous, showing that constant feedback between implicit and explicit order, as suggested by Bohm.


Location: Hotel Santoli
Contact Via Roma 3, Mount Eden, 40046 Italy Rome , Italy