May 13 - 15, 2012    Bonn , Germany
Very professional organization. The agenda, with a mix of lectures and personal interviews, is very efficient. "
Head of Digital Media, HORNBACH DIY Ltd

CMO Summit 2012 - The Formal unite with the Informal

Whether case study presentations, panel discussions, one-to-talk or joint evening receptions, coffee breaks, or leisure activities, there are countless opportunities to offer our participants to establish contacts among themselves and to deepen. The atmosphere of our hotel supports this event in a pleasant way.

"The CMO Summit provides an excellent platform for collegial exchange at high level and in a pleasant environment!"
Head of Marketing, REWE Touristic GmbH

Top speakers from theory and practice are considered in keynote presentations, case studies and joint discussions of current topics and industry to identify problems given solutions.


Location: Kameha Grand Bonn
Contact Am er Bogen 1, 53227 Bonn , Germany
+49 0228 4334 5000

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