December 13 - 15, 2011    New Delhi , India
About No Dig Show:

No Dig India Shows are the annual International Shows of IndSTT wherein the activities undertaken through the year are reported to the stakeholders and the future course of action for the next year are chartered. These shows have been organized for several years with earlier shows titled as No Dig Asia which got it's name changed to NDS in 2008. Since then they are being organized annually. Through these shows, IndSTT has been able to release several trenchless reference books like Codes of Practice, Sched-ule of Rates, Good Practices Guidelines etc. These publications have assisted in promoting the applications of Trenchless Technology in the nation in a major way.

Aims & Objectives of the No-Dig India Show 2011 were as follows:

Fueled by the market demand, the year has seen substantial activities on the front of Trenchless Tech-nology Applications in the country. Based on them the show has been structured with the following objectives:

1. To make the case that ‘Underground is the Future-Let's protect it Jointly'
2. To showcase the achievements of Indian Trenchless industry to the participants and promote trenchless application within the participating countries through this showcasing.
3. To provide information about latest developments and changes in technology reported during the year.
4. To forge partnerships amongst the different participating stakeholders.
5. To provide update on market intelligence, prices, and other technocommercial matters.
6. To promote trenchless applications through appropriate contractual framework.
7. To protect underground through application of appropriate project operation framework.
8. To protect underground through deployment of qualified workforce.
9. To protect underground through engagement registered qualified persons.


Location: India Habitat Centre
Contact Lodi Road, 110003 New Delhi , India

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No Dig India Show December 13 - 15, 2011