November 15 - 18, 2011    Moscow , Russia
12th Specialized Exhibition
"Products and dual-use technology. Diversification of Defense "

15-18 November 2011

From 15 to November 18, 2011 in IEC "Crocus Expo" will take place on 12th specialized exhibition "Products and dual-use technology. Diversification of Defense Industry. "

The aim of the project - a demonstration of the potential military-industrial, scientific and technical complexes in Russia to address the most pressing problems of energy, food and social security.

The exhibition will focus on diversification of the defense industry, will identify innovative projects of promising developments and products, bringing them to the attention of potential customers and investors, public and private sectors. Get a broad view section "Integrated Life Support Systems."

The exposition will bring together ten showrooms that define the scientific and technical progress of the national economy, "Nanotechnology," "Space technology" "Biotechnology, alternative energy sources", "New structural materials," "Laser Technology" and others.

The business program includes activities for conferences and scientific workshops on topical issues of the introduction of new products and dual-use technologies, competition "The best technical solution for dual-use technologies", "Best import substituting the product."


Location: Crocus Expo
International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo is one of the new, modern and future exhibition sites worldwide. The absolute leader in the size of exhibition space. The total area of three pavilions of..
Contact Krasnogorsk, 65-66 km Ring Road, Trade and Exhibition Complex Crocus City Moskva 143400 Moscow , Russia
+7 (495) 727-2524, 727-2626, 727-11-38

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