August 9 - 11, 2011    Beijing , China
WCCAS is a focused event on Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis, it aims to stimulate interactions among academia, industry and researchers in this field; to exchange up-to-the-minutes information and promote their novel technologies. WCCAS is expected to greatly contribute to the promotion of new concepts for the development of efficient methodologies for catalytic asymmetric synthesis and its practical applications. The topics will reflect this general theme, placing emphasis on aspects that are common to all areas of catalytic asymmetric synthesis and the type of reaction involved.


Location: Beijing International Convention Center
Beijing International Convention Center and Beijing Continental Grand Hotel are a well known enterprise in Beijing. Opened in 1990, the convention center has served almost 1,000 different..
Contact 8 Beichen Dong Road, Chaoyang District, P. R. China 100101 Beijing , China
(8610)84979768 84985588--72601、72602