June 20 - 21, 2011    Toronto , Canada
Key issues with respect to the law of contract
Key principles of good drafting technique
Customizing agreements to reflect your objectives
Troubleshooting during the contracting process
Recent legislation impacting contract drafting
Practical use and application of boilerplate clauses
Key issues for pre-transaction and early stage agreements
Best practices for crafting litigation-proof opinions
Identifying, analyzing, responding to and controlling risk factors
Dispute resolution clauses: deciding on a model

Participating Organizations:
Aird & Berlis LLP
Baker & McKenzie LLP
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Bombardier Aerospace
Cisco Systems
Fidelity National Information Services
Gahtan Law Office
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP
McCarthy Tetrault LLP
McMillan LLP
Miller Thomson LLP
Ogilvy Renault LLP
Torys LLP

Who Should Attend:
Corporate Counsel, Contract Managers of Legal Services, Corporate/Commercial Lawyers, Paralegals, Contract Managers


Location: Metropolitan Hotel
Contact 108 Chestnut Street , Ontario CANADA M5G 1R3 Toronto , Canada
(416) 977-5000