June 20 - 21, 2011    Ontario , Canada
Learn about the latest development in procurement law
Discover how to ensure compliance and minimize the legal risks
Hear how to handle negotiations and disputes in the public procurement process
Examine how to manage the risk in public procurement projects
Gain a better understanding of the proper structure of a bid evaluation
Get up to speed on the latest e-procurement tools, their strengths and drawbacks
Find out the parameters in resolving IP conflicts
Look at fraud issues in procurement, and techniques to detect and avoid actions such as bid-rigging
A panel discussion with industry experts looking into the legal issues of procurement facing the military industry

Participating Organizations:
Allen-Vanguard Corporation
Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP
Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
City of Ottawa
Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Heenan Blaikie LLP
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
McMillan LLP
Ministry of Energy & Ministry of Infrastructure
National Defence
P1 Consulting
PPI Consulting
Public Safety Canada
Town of Newmarket

Who Should Attend:
Senior procurement professionals in the Public Sector: Federal, Provincial & Municipal Government; Crown corporations; Healthcare; Academic institutions; In-house counsel; Lawyers and Vendor Sales Executives


Location: Ottawa Marriott Hotel
Discover one of the premier Ottawa hotels - the Ottawa Marriott Hotel. Just a short stroll from Canada's Parliament Buildings, Rideau Canal, the Ottawa Congress Centre and the National Gallery of..
Contact 100 Kent Street Ottawa, K1P 5R7 Canada Ontario , Canada
(613) 238-1122

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