June 21 - 24, 2012    San Diego CA , USA
The educational objectives of the American Headache Society® (AHS) are to continue to improve the knowledge, skills and professional performance of physicians, psychologists and other health professionals in the care of patients with head, neck and orofacial pain by:

* Providing a forum for presentation of free scientific communication on research and clinical practice
* Providing educational symposia
* Improving education in medical schools and residency programs
* Identifying and developing new educational initiatives
* Supporting educational programs directed to people with head, neck and orofacial pain


Thursday, June 21, 2012  to  Sunday, June 24, 2012
Event Types: AHS Event
Venue: Hyatt Regency Century Plaza
Location: Los Angeles, CA


Location: Hyatt Regency Los Angeles
Contact 2025 Ave. of the Stars San Diego , USA