February 5 - 6, 2014    Paris , France

The  8th edition will take place on Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th  February 2014 !

Over 3.000 participants from 56 countries attended the 7th edition of ADF held on the 6th and 7th February 2013. 60 suppliers of aerosol packagings, dispensing systems, packaging, products, technologies and service providers presented their innovations. Everyone stressed the relaxed setting, user-friendly scale of the exhibition, easy access and high standard of discussions among experts, which foster the emergence of new projects and innovation.


Location: Espace Champerret
Espace Champerret is renowned for its shows organised on a human scale. Located at the heart of West Paris, this Zen space is a haven of peace and a leading venue for recently-created shows and..
Contact 6 rue Jean Oestreicher - 75017 Paris , France

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