September 20 - 22, 2011    Antwerp , Belgium

TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS 2011 is a professional platform where managers, decision-takers, academics and specialists in the field of transport & distribution, warehouse & handling and data communication & software exchange their knowledge and experience.

For you, as a logistics service provider, it's a perfect opportunity to do business in only three days' time. And all for about the price of one advert in a trade journal!

Good goals, great results.
By now, the trade show TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS has evolved into the industry's bi-annual meeting. During the three days, the transport & logistics industry gathers in order to network, make new contacts in an informal business setting, and maintain existing relationships.

In 2009, we all welcomed almost 9000 visitors, including some renowned decision-makers from a variety of logistics-related industries. Needless to say, together with our media partners and logistics institutes in Flanders, we aim to make the event an even bigger success in 2011.


Location: Antwerp expo
Rich experience of 45 years Antwerp expo, formerly known Bouwcentrum, is the number one exhibition center in Antwerp. Host of about 1 million visitors per year, Antwerp expo has become a major venue..
Contact Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191 2020 en Antwerp , Belgium
+32 (0)3/2608120

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