April 7 - 9, 2011    Kerala , India
ICVCI-11 is organized by the Departments of Applied Electronics & instrumentation and Electronics & Communication of SAINTGITS College of Engineering along with ISA south india section and IETE. This joint conference is a forum for researchers and designers to present and discuss various aspects of VLSI design, Embedded systems, Communications, Instrumentation and enabling technologies. It covers the entire spectrum of activities in the three vital areas of very large scale integration (VLSI), Communication and Instrumentation, which underpin the Semiconductor industries Process Industries and Communication Technologies.

The International Conference (ICVCI’11) invites papers from the researchers in academic institutions and R&D organizations on current research, new trends, latest developments, emerging technologies and new industrial standards in the following primary areas but not limited to the following areas.

VLSI Design & Testing, Low Power VLSI, Image & Signal Processing, Grid & Cloud Computing, Routing & Optimization Techniques, Wired & Wireless Communication, Sensor Networks & Network Security, Mobile Communication & Computing, High Speed Communication Networks, Embedded System, Intelligent Controllers, Modeling & Simulation, System Identification, Advanced Control Systems, Expert Systems, Biomedical Instrumentation
Process Control, Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic Systems, Instrumentation, Measurement Systems and Virtual Instrumentation


Location: SAINTGIS College of Engineering
Contact Kerala , India