September 14 - 15, 2010    Tokyo , Japan
The Japan Capital Markets and Global Borrowers Congress 2010.

The 2010 annual Euromoney meeting brings 40 of the world's largest issuers to Tokyo for a unique meeting for Japanese investment professionals and risk managers. Euromoney will provide delegates with analysis on:

The leading Japanese asset classes
The outlook for global bond markets impact on Japan
The outlook for G3 and G10 markets
An examination of pending of global regulation on Japanese banks and institutional investors
Accessing and trading emerging Asia
Global best practice in e-platform trading for fixed income, rates and FX.
A focused session on the state of the Chinese economy and what this means for Japan

Euromoney will run 16 technical sessions covering FX, rates trading, the changing face of global credit, risk management of volatile bond markets, rate derivative strategies and other topical subjects.

You will have the chance to listen to and meet the heads of debt management for France, Germany, Italy, Spain and many more issuers to tell you what is really happening in the Eurozone, Australia, Korea, Canada and Asia.


Location: Grand Hyatt Tokyo
Contact 6-10-3 Roppongi, Minato-Ku Tokyo , Japan

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