February 16 - 17, 2010    Sao Paulo , Brazil
Investigating Solutions and Opportunities throughout South American Ports for Growth and Investment

The first Port Finance International Rio Conference is designed to give delegates an in-depth understanding of innovative financing solutions and practical advice. It will also provide an excellent opportunity to meet potential equity and business partners, as well as senior executives from port authorities, port and terminal operators and the legal and banking industries, to discuss finance options and development requirements. Additionally, the conference will place a spotlight on Brazil’s Ports and their plans for expansion and development, whilst also investigating opportunities around South American ports for growth and investment.

There will be regional focus sessions on Brazil and South American Ports - Senior Government and Port Authority speakers to be announced.

The conference agenda will be available in early Autumn 2010. For more information on how you can participate in this exclusive event, please contact [email protected]


Location: Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange
Contact Praça Antonio Prado, 48 Rua XV de Novembro, 275 Centro - São Paulo (SP) Sao Paulo , Brazil
55 11 2565-4000

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