October 26 - 28, 2010    Moscow , Russia
Fast increase in the volumes of per capita production and consumption of cement in the future, while technical and technological level of the plants increases, and the quality of manufactured products improves, may lead to the excess of cement in the world and on the regional markets and, therefore, lead to destabilization of the market. These processes are the most urgent for countries with fast developing economies, such as Arabian countries, Brazil, China, India, Russia. It is expected that cement production in the Russian Federation only would exceed the forecasted demand for cement by 1.5 times in the period 2020-2025. The analysis of the situation and possible solutions is planed to be made during the global conference “CemEnergy”.
Conference goal:

To consider a complex of preventive measures aimed at reduction of energy consumption and volume of CO2 emissions in the cement industry of fast developing economies, and to attract attention of state government bodies to these issues.
Conference topics:

-Current state and forecasts for development of the world and regional cement markets.
-A new industrial revolution in production and consumption of cement.
-Cement consumption in various world regions.
-State and interstate regulations of cement production and consumption.
-Energy-saving technologies used in cement production.
-New types of binding agents with low levels of energy consumption and СО2 emissions.
-Monitoring, economic and legislative regulation of energy consumption and СО2 emissions in various world regions.


Among the participants of the conference are representatives from regional cement associations, experts in the field of material and energy saving technologies of production and application of building materials, state authorities and international organizations.


Location: Expocentr
Expocentre is one of the leading exhibition companies in Eastern Europe and the largest organizer of international exhibitions and conventions in Russia. Expocentre assists Russian companies and..
Contact 14, Krasnopresnenskaya nab. 123100 Moscow , Russia
+7 (495) 255 37 99, 795-39-46

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CemEnergy October 26 - 28, 2010