September 21 - 22, 2010    Barcelona , Spain
span style="font-weight: bold;">SOURCE Conference brings security professionals and practitioners together in an intimate and personal environment to discuss the security industry’s most important issues, technologies, and business trends.

SOURCE is unique; combining top technological minds in the security industry with business professionals, executives, senior management, and industry experts providing insight into successful business practices for the security community.

In addition to our advanced technical talks, SOURCE offers workshops on entrepreneurship, management strategies, job interviewing, presentation skills, and proficiencies and strategies designed for the security industry.

Registration Fees
€345 Early Bird Registration until June 30th, 2010
€545 July 1st, 2009 - August 31st, 2010
€600 September 1st, 2010 - at door
€75 - Student Registration


Location: Museu Nacional D’art de Catalunya
Contact Palau Nacional Parc de Montjuïc 08038 Barcelona , Spain

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