July 17 - 22, 2010    Napoli , Italy
On behalf of the Myology groups of the Second University of Naples, and the Veterinary Medical School of Federico II Naples University, I welcome the participants in the 12th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD 2010 Naples). My co-workers and I are very grateful to the research group on neuromuscular disorders of the World Federation of Neurology, who selected Naples for this important project. Furthermore we would thank both Naples Universities, Gaetano Conte Academy, Mediterranean Society of Myology, the Congrex Agency from Göteborg and Perrotta catering from Naples that will help us in the organization.

We are particularly grateful to Valerie Askanas, President of the Scientific Committee, and to all other members for the interesting and innovating proposals in the scientific out-lines of the Congress. The field of neuromuscular disorders, step by step, became everyday greater, now ranging from Genetics to Immunology, from Neurology to Cardiology, from Pathology to Social Medicine, from Radiology to Veterinary Myology, from Respiratory Care to Orthopaedic Surgery and Physiatrics.


Location: Monte S Angelo University
Contact Università degli Studi di Federico II Centro Congressi Via Cinthia, 26 - - Italy Napoli , Italy

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