May 17 - 18, 2010    Madrid , Spain
PharmaVenue offers an unparalleled opportunity to identify new business opportunities and meet decision makers to forge new partnerships in the field of

Generics and
OTC/Healthcare products

PharmaVenue can help your business get to the next level through quality one-to-one meetings with senior level executives. Our state-of-the art interactive partnering software enables you to efficiently select the most attractive license opportunities, pre-arrange and conduct many productive business meetings to unlock future revenue streams.

By having access to detailed information on key license projects of each participating company prior to the event and with help of several new interactive networking tools we facilitate the process of screening potential opportunities and partners.
During six weeks, you may easily submit and review meeting requests through the password protected web-site. You will have access to your individual meeting schedule one week prior to the event and may make your final adjustments to your agenda. Our sophisticated software pre-schedules more than 95%* of all meeting requests.
Experience more productive business meetings in two days than in the entire rest of the year.


At our PharmaVenue congress you will be able to meet with CEOs and Senior Executives in Business Development, Licensing, Research as well as Directors of Marketing & Sales.


Location: Melia Avenida America
Contact Calle de Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 36, 28027, ESPAÑA Madrid , Spain

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