August 20 - 22, 2010    Bangalore , India
To demonstrate the technology and to highlight the Indian strength, we Media Today Group are launching International AgriTech India 2010 on 20th to 22nd Aug. 2010 in Bangalore.

This will be particularly relevant in South India, where farmers grow a number of crops, but face problems in enhancing production and productivity because of inadequate exposure to high technology and inputs as also to advanced production practices, logistics and marketing. The growers in southern region, undoubtedly as hardworking as elsewhere in the country, are handicapped by the fact that not many major international exhibitions and conferences are held there. The International AgriTech India 2010, therefore, seeks to address this problem seriously.


Location: Palace Grounds Bangalore
Contact Armane Nagar, , Karnataka, India Bangalore , India
080 23360818

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