International Papillomavirus Conference 2010
July 3 - 8, 2010
Montreal QC , Canada
For Oral Presenters
HPV 2010 is planning to record all oral presentations (voice and powerpoint slide screen capture) and to make them available on the website within 4 weeks of the conference.
For Poster Presenters
HPV 2010 is planning to record all oral presentations (voice and powerpoint slide screen capture) and to make them available on the website within 4 weeks of the conference.
HPV 2010 offers the opportunity for a WEB PUBLICATION of your poster. In addition to displaying posters on site, poster presenters can submit up to 5 PowerPoint slides with a 3-minute narration. Web posters will be added to website within 4 weeks of the conference.
-Presentations (oral or poster) will be watermarked with HPV 2010 logo to avoid piracy.
-Participation is at the discretion of presenters (oral and poster) and does not affect the scientific review of the abstracts.
-NEW: Oral presenters will not automatically have poster displays.
Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal
Planning or attending an event in Montréal? The Palais des congrès (convention centre) is an exceptional venue located in the heart of downtown and operated by an outstanding team of..
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