October 12 - 15, 2011    Venice , Italy
The Twelfth Congress of the International Federation of Infection Control (IFIC2011) will run from Wednesday 12 October 2011 until Saturday 15 October 2011 and will be held in collaboration with the Società Italiana Multidisciplinare per la Prevenzione delle Infezioni nelle Organizzazioni Sanitarie (SIMPIOS). The official language of the congress shall be English; however simultaneous translation to Italian will also be available in selected sessions. Further information on the congress can be accessed from the website:


Location: NH Laguna Palace
The NH Laguna Palace is a beautiful architectonic structure, which consists of two building joined together by a glass roof. Thanks to its splendid architecture, the hotel is one of the biggest..
Contact Viale Ancona, 2, 30172 Mestre (VE) Italy Venice , Italy