June 26 - 29, 2011    Las Vegas NV , USA
The next two years will be the turning point for our profession and a vital time for the recovery of our nation. That’s why we have designed the 2011 Annual Conference to offer courses that go beyond anything we have done in the past. The event will feature the largest number of practitioners, strategic business management sessions and health care sessions ever.  We know what the future holds for our profession, and we know that without a plan in place it could mean the difference between boom or bust for the nation.


Location: Las Vegas Convention Center LVCC
The Las Vegas Convention Center is one of the most modern and functional facilities in the world - a 3.2 million square foot facility located within a short distance of more than 100,000 guest rooms...
Contact 3150 Paradise Rd , NV 89109 Las Vegas , USA
(702) 892-0711