May 18 - 21, 2011    Austin TX , USA
Conference Purpose and Objectives

The 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society will offer current information about the diagnosis, treatment, and management of acute pain, chronic cancer and noncancer pain, and recurrent pain. In-depth workshops are planned and are designed to enhance research or clinical skills pertinent to the management of pain; they will feature content appropriate for professionals at several experience levels.

Each year the APS Scientific Program Committee carefully reviews attendees' evaluations in order to organize a scientific program which addresses a broad range of topics related to pain research and treatment. The 30th Annual Scientific Meeting is an arena for interdisciplinary exchange among pain scientists and healthcare professionals. By participating in this meeting attendees can expect to achieve the following objectives:

   1. Describe various pain management models.
   2. Critique current basic science, clinical, translational, and psychological research with regard to its applicability to practice.
   3. Evaluate new trends, techniques, therapies, and diagnostic procedures in pain research and pain management.
   4. Assemble a network of professional colleagues.


Location: Austin Convention Center
The Austin Convention Center is located in the heart of the capital of Texas, one of the most affordable cities in America. The convention center has a convenient downtown location, between the shores..
Contact 500 East Cesar Chavez Street , TX 78701 Austin , USA